Put hand to mouth and inspire

Put hand to mouth and inspire. 

Breathe in atoms from saints and salesmen

dogs and fleas

a dolphin’s blowhole

the cry of a baby for any number of reasons

and be inspired they are now part of the you-ness

bless their newness in your body their new nest.

Put hand to mouth and expire

what you made warm in your slow fire

You are now part mist-cloud 

that wafts from your nostrils on a winter walk.

You are the hairs in the bathroom rug

and dust motes spiraling in a shaft of light

unable to re-ignite.

Few of your cells last more than a few of your months

as dustgiver to the world.

You are not the body you danced your first dance in.

Your first kiss, you nibbled it and swallowed it 

and you are not now that dancer or kisser.

You are a wondrous thought.

And this universe, believe it or not, 

like it or not,

was made–every last tulip and supernova of it–

for the sole purpose of delighting and teaching you. 

Teaching you what? 

To delight it back, of course.

One good turn deserves another and besides, 

the best way to love others is to teach them

how to love you better.

And the best way to teach is by example.

You only get so many chances to inspire this world

before you expire for good. 

So try to make every time you expire 

a song of love, a sigh of pleasure,

a moan of ecstasy, a roar of courage, 

a chuckle of understanding, a welcome and wise


Every time you breathe in the world blesses you with breath.

So with your every out-breath, bless.

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