Frontloading for business writing and marketing copy

person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug

Understanding Frontloading Frontloading is a writing strategy where the most important information is placed at the beginning of a sentence, paragraph, or section. This technique is particularly effective in business writing and marketing copy as it ensures that key points are immediately clear to the reader. Advantages of Frontloading In the fast-paced world of business, […]

Read your writing aloud to instantly make it better

man wearing white sweater while reading book

The Importance of Vocal Review in Writing Writing is an art form that relies heavily on how words flow together to create a compelling narrative or informative text. One often overlooked technique in the writing process is reading your writing aloud. This simple practice can transform your work and make it significantly better. Enhancing Clarity […]

What makes creative writing creative

black flat screen tv turned on at the living room

Introduction to Creative Writing Creative writing is an art form that goes beyond the conventional boundaries of literature and academia. It allows writers to express their thoughts, emotions, and imaginations in unique and compelling ways. But what exactly makes creative writing ‘creative’? This blog post explores the essential characteristics that define creative writing and set […]

The thing you forgot is, it’s supposed to be fun

A pile of green cups sitting on top of a table

Remember When Having Fun Was Easy? Picture this: you’re a kid with an afternoon free, and the only thing on your agenda is having fun. Whether it’s running around in the park, playing video games, or building the most precarious pillow fort known to humanity, fun was the primary objective. But somewhere along the way, […]

Writing Lesson One: Specific, Concrete Detail

fountain pen on black lined paper

 Focus, meaning, action Readers will automatically focus on what they see and hear, what hits their senses and makes them wonder  Vodka bottle and hershey’s kisses, making a sandwich while readingKundera. Get them to focus on something that stands for your message or leads them towards it.  Comedians use it for callbacks Repetition “I have […]

The dust of the day: travels in my body and world

a close-up of a pine cone

You can judge your life by what you wash off your body, the dirt between your toes and under your nails, what comes out of your nose when you blow it. You rinse your hair, if you have it, and what goes down the drain is the detritus of what has been blowing around and […]